by Kylie Julius | Nov 10, 2023 | ORNL's Agriculture Pod Project
A job well done to Strata-G’s Environmental Specialist, Mason Jobe, for his work supporting ORNL’s Agriculture Pod!
The main purpose of this study is to show that small communities can build systems that sequester carbon and use it to feed and grow plants resulting in a net zero carbon emission environment. Mason and his team are working on building an HVAC unit that sequesters and bottles carbon. Then, their team is going to start injecting that carbon at different rates into the atmosphere to alter those conditions and observe how it affects plant growth and rates of photosynthesis.
The goal is to discover how much carbon to apply at certain stages of plant growth so that the plant uses 100% of the injected carbon dioxide while simultaneously sustaining itself.
In hopes of achieving their goal, the team aims to demonstrate efficient usage of the HVAC bottling system in an effort supporting environmental sustainability practices.
Great job, Mason and team!
by Kylie Julius | Nov 10, 2023 | EMDF Groundbreaking Event 2023
Congratulations to Department of Energy (DOE) Oak Ridge Environmental Management and United Cleanup of Oak Ridge, LLC (UCOR) on breaking ground on the Environmental Management Disposal Facility (EMDF)! The EMDF is an engineered onsite disposal facility for waste generated from deteriorated buildings on the Oak Ridge Reservation (ORR). The EMDF will enable environmental cleanup across the ORR so that the DOE Office of Science and National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) can reuse the land in support of innovative research and national security missions.
Strata-G President John Patterson has served UCOR as the EMDF Project Manager since June 2020: “The EMDF Team is an awesome group of seasoned professionals that have supported all phases of the project all while working in collaboration with our UCOR colleagues, DOE customers, and TDEC and EPA regulators.” The EMDF Team L to R: Steve Kenworthy, Bobby McClure, Greg Pickerel, Todd Bergener, Joe Aylor, Sean Dunagan, Stephanie Miller, Mason Eschenberg, Doug Hanahan, John Patterson, Doug Reynolds, Mary Magleby, and Karl Chance (missing Jennifer Linton, Annette Primrose, and Robin Manning).
Excellent work to all supporting this effort!