March 2023
Congratulations to Strata-G, LLC and UCOR’s own Radiological Support Specialist, Tim Hughes, on being selected as President-Elect of the East Tennessee Chapter of the Health Physics Society (ETCHPS). The ETCHPS is a scientific and professional organization whose members specialize in occupational, environmental, and medical radiation safety.
When asked about his awarded involvement with the ETCHPS, Tim responds, “I am honored to be selected by my peers to serve in this capacity. My initial goal is to get our membership numbers back to pre-COVID levels and improve communication within the group.” Tim went on to explain that members are not only DOE or DOE contract employees but include personnel from NRC and state regulated entities (e.g., Tennessee Valley Authority’s Watts Bar Plant, University of Tennessee, etc.).
This coming May will mark Tim’s 40 years of experience working in the nuclear industry.
Tim is currently supporting United Cleanup Oak Ridge, LLC (UCOR) in their operations and activities on the Oak Ridge Reservation, where he provides technical support for their radiation protection program, assists with the development and implementation of rad protection training, and is qualified as a lead assessor evaluating regulatory and procedural compliance.
Throughout the years, Tim has not only grown in his passion for health physics, but also in his passion for music. Those who do not know Tim would be pleasantly surprised to learn that Tim and his lovely Jazz Quartet are often recruited for their musical capabilities, having performed at functions on behalf of the ETCHPS; Energy, Technology and Environmental Business Association (ETEBA); and Strata-G, LLC annual events.
Thank you, Tim, for demonstrating passion for the work you pursue and for delivering excellence in all that you do.