November 2019

November 2019

Strata-G celebrated the U.S. Chamber of Commerce’s Small Business of the Year Dream Big Award on October 16. Dan Hurst, Strata-G President and CEO, said of the award, “We are honored by our selection as the Small Business of the Year Dream Big Award winner. It’s a testament to our professional staff of more than 230 scientists, engineers, health and safety experts, and project managers who practice our core values of integrity, service, and quality each day. We appreciate the U.S. Chamber’s recognition.” The award came with a check for $25,000 which Strata-G will invest into two of its existing outreach partners, KARM and Westview Community School.

October 2019

October 2019

Strata-G is proud to welcome Dr. Harold Conner to the Strata-G Board of Advisors. Harold’s leadership experience and commitment to excellence during a long career at sites in Oak Ridge and throughout the DOE complex will help guide Strata-G into an even brighter future.

Conner has five decades of experience with the Department of Energy and the National Nuclear Security Administration and is a career veteran of multiple nuclear projects. His career has taken him to DOE sites across the country – including the Paducah and Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plants, Y-12 National Security Complex, Idaho National Laboratory, Savannah River Site, and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. He has received the prestigious University of Tennessee Knoxville Alumni Professional Achievement Award and the Secretary of Energy Award of Achievement. In 2017, Conner was named a Fellow by the American Society for Engineering Management and in 2018 was named a Fellow in the American Institute of Chemical Engineers. Conner serves on the University of Tennessee Nuclear Engineering Board of Advisors and the Oak Ridge American Museum of Science and Energy Foundation Board.

A registered professional engineer in Tennessee and South Carolina, Conner received Bachelor and Master of Science degrees in Chemical Engineering from the University of Tennessee in Knoxville and earned a Doctor of Philosophy degree in Industrial and Systems Engineering from the University of Alabama in Huntsville.

Conner will join Ms. Joan Cronan, Dr. Willis Bixby, Dr. Reinhold Mann, and Mr. John LaBine on Strata-G’s Board of Advisors.

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