by Strata-G | Oct 23, 2018 | Newsletters
Strata-G employees never stop learning.
Strata-G employs over 200 people, most of them engineers and scientists who work on projects that demand the utmost professionalism in creating solutions for sometimes complicated problems. Several of our employees are Project Management Professionals (PMPs) who have to go through annual professional development activities to maintain their PMP certification. Attending a recent Project Management institute- East Tennessee Chapter (ETPMI) Professional Development Day were, from left to right: George Davis, Sarah Walker, Lisa Turvin, and Allen Bradley.
by Strata-G | Oct 9, 2018 | Newsletters
Strata-G Dreams Big!
Because of our employees’ drive to deliver excellence, recruit and hire great people, and impact our community, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce recognized us with their Veteran-Owned Business 2018 Dream Big Award. Dan Hurst was on hand in Washington, D.C., to receive the award. Thanks to our outstanding Strata-G staff, dedicated customers, and community partners for helping us win this prestigious award.
by Strata-G | Oct 9, 2018 | Newsletters
Strata-G is Serious about Health and Wellness.
Strata-G’s Wellness Program is robust with annual challenges that focus on fitness, diet, overall health and well-being. We’ve joined the Governor’s Foundation for Health and Wellness (, earning the 2018 Healthier Tennessee Workplace award, and the East Tennessee Wellness Round Table (, receiving Gold Status this year. These programs help us maintain good health, which, in turn, helps us enjoy work and home life more. We’ve even started a running club!