September 2017 News
Strata-G’s 15th Anniversary
Strata-G celebrated our 15 year anniversary in a festive way with the home office packed to overflowing with nearly 200 well-wishers, Bruster’s Ice Cream truck parked outside, and Dan’s recap of our journey thus far that has been propelled by great customers and non-negotiable core values.
Our office staff will have to go a long way to top this one. What will they do when we celebrate our 20th?
Thanks, team.
We Are The Help Until Help Arrives
The pain and suffering we have witnessed in Houston and the Gulf region are moving us to want to help. After all, one of our core values is service. If you want to help, below are reputable local organizations that are accepting donations through their web sites.
Houston Food Bank
Corpus Christie Food Bank
Houston Chapter of the SPCA
United Way Houston
Check with the National Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster for a list of trusted disaster-relief organizations in Texas.